Welcome to Vassar's webstore!
7-24-2008 - As many of you may know, Vassar's daughter
Midge (who runs vassarclements.com) has had two heart surgeries
this past week to replace an aortic valve.
We're so happy to report that both of the surgeries were successful and
Midge is resting well! Please join us in our prayers for a speedy recovery.
Your kind thoughts are very much appreciated. Please sign the guestbook
to leave your message for Midge.
During this time, we cannot accept any new orders. Any existing
orders that were not filled prior to Midge's surgery will remain unfilled
until she has recovered. We have been advised that if you have not received
your order, your check or money order has not been cashed.
Please email us
if you have any questions about your order.
Note: some titles are going or have already gone out of print, so you may not wish to cancel the order. We THANK YOU for your continued
Your friends at VassarClements.com